Office of Enforcement (OE) (2024)

OEOrg Chart

What We Do

The Office of Enforcement serves the public interest by protecting consumers through market oversight and surveillance; assuring compliance with tariffs, rules, regulations, and orders; detecting, auditing, and investigating potential violations; and crafting appropriate remedies, including civil penalties and other measures.


  • Acts as principal advisor to the Chairman and Commissioners on issues relating to the Commission's regulation and oversight of energy market structure, energy market performance, and compliance of market participants with the Commission's rules for market activity.
  • Develops policy options and regulatory strategies for consideration by the Chairman and Commissioners.
  • Conducts analytical studies of energy market structures and activities to provide early warning of vulnerable market conditions and propose policies for improvement.
  • Initiates and executes investigations of possible violations of the Commission's rules, orders, and regulations relating to energy market structures, activities, and participants. Recommends remedies to address violations and, where authorized, pursues remedies through negotiation or litigation.
  • Advises the Commission on market enforcement and compliance issues.
  • Maintains the Enforcement Hotline to informally resolve disputes concerning any matter subject to the Commission's jurisdiction, including activities that may raise barriers to competition in the natural gas and wholesale electric markets or impede market-responsive pricing.
  • Conducts market research and develops market models and simulations. Acquires and analyzes public and proprietary information data bases in support of its market oversight and investigatory activities.
  • Oversees compliance with the Uniform System of Accounts and otherwise advises the Commission on accounting and financial matters affecting energy markets.

Division of Investigations


Initiates and executes investigations of possible violations of the statutes administered by the Commission and the rules, orders, and regulations issued thereunder. Recommends remedies to address violations and pursues remedies through settlement or enforcement action. Administers the implementation of 18 C.F.R. Parts 1b and 1c. Maintains the Enforcement Hotline. Advises the Commission on enforcement and compliance issues.


  • Provides overall guidance on general enforcement policy and on all aspects of the enforcement program.
  • Conducts preliminary investigations concerning possible violations of statutes, orders, opinions, or regulations.
  • Advises the Commission on whether to issue formal orders of investigation or take alternative actions such as administrative or judicial enforcement actions, rulemaking, or show cause proceedings.
  • Conducts formal investigations that may include the issuance of subpoenas.
  • Represents the Commission in actions for injunctive and other relief in Federal District Court.
  • Represents the Commission and explains and advocates its legal and policy positions in meetings with industry, other agencies, and the public.
  • Appears in administrative adjudicatory proceedings involving alleged violations.
  • Negotiates settlements to obtain compliance with, and remediate, violations of statutes, regulations, and orders.
  • Recommends transmittal of evidence of probable criminal violations to the Department of Justice (DOJ) and other agencies and, if approved by the Commission, coordinates with DOJ and other agencies during the resulting criminal investigation and prosecution.
  • Participates in development of the Commission's strategic plan and recommends regulatory and statutory changes necessary to carry out the enforcement and compliance process.
  • Establishes and maintains communication with other federal agencies, state utility Commissions, and other groups that aid in the enforcement and compliance process.
  • Undertakes any other appropriate enforcement action.
  • Drafts orders, rulemakings, and associated memoranda and advises the Commission on matters pertaining to enforcement and compliance.
  • Participates in the development and the analysis of legislation.
  • Maintains the Enforcement Hotline to receive complaints, informally resolve disputes, and provide informed staff opinions and general information to callers concerning any matter subject to the Commission's jurisdiction.

The Division of Investigations is led by Director, Geof Hobday and DeputyDirector,Jay Matson.

Division of Audits and Accounting


Performs financial and operational audits of industry participants to ensure compliance with the Commission's rules, orders, regulations, and statutes. Maintains a forum to informally resolve disputes and advises the Commission compliance issues. Acts as the focal point for interpretive guidance concerning the Commission's financial accounting and reporting rules, orders, regulations, and statutes. Maintains a forum to informally resolve disputes and advises the Commission on accounting and other financial issues.


  • Participates in development of the Commission's strategic plan and recommends regulatory and statutory changes necessary to carry out the enforcement and compliance process.
  • Participates in the development and the analysis of legislation impacting the accounting and auditing programs.
  • Represents the Commission and explains and advocates accounting and auditing positions in meetings with industry, other agencies, and the public.
  • Drafts orders, rulemakings, and associated memoranda and advises the Commission on matters pertaining to auditing, accounting, and related compliance matters.
  • Plans and performs audits of jurisdictional companies in the electric power, natural gas, and oil pipeline industries, concentrating on materially relevant issues. Reports the audit findings to both the Commission and the affected companies. Recommends corrective actions in cases of error and suggests preventive measures to avoid problems in the future.
  • Updates and documents audit and accounting processes. Develops and documents new types of audits that respond to the needs of the Commission, the industry, and jurisdictional companies. Develops policy and criteria for performing audits, including pilot audits when appropriate.
  • Performs trend analysis on industry related financial issues. Develops suggested courses of action to anticipate industry's direction and practices.
  • Advises OE and the Commission on the accounting and financial reporting policy matters involving, but not limited to, acquisitions and dispositions of jurisdictional facilities, rate filings,and gas pipeline certificate applications.
  • Reviews exposure drafts and pronouncements of authoritative accounting bodies such as the Security and Exchange Commission and the International Accounting Standards Board to determine the effect of new or proposed accounting standards on regulated industries and the Commission's regulatory programs. Prepares comments on such proposals as appropriate.
  • Conducts/participates in accounting studies to evaluate the need for changes or the establishment of new accounting standards for new or unique transactions or events.
  • Prepares and coordinates necessary revisions and or amendments to the Commission's Uniform Systems of Accounts.
  • Analyzes, coordinates, and recommends action on all applications concerning Commission approval of proposed accounting or requests for interpretive guidance.
  • Provides expert counsel to Commission Officials concerning a variety of financial, accounting, tax, and other related matters.

The Division of Audits and Accounting is led by Acting Director & Chief AccountantKristen Fleet.

Division of Analytics and Surveillance


Performs surveillance and analysis of data relating to physical natural gas and electric power markets and related financial products. Develops and implements surveillance tools to detect potential manipulation, anticompetitive behavior, and other anomalous activity. Identifies potential subjects of nonpublic investigations that are conducted in conjunction with the Division of Investigations. Conducts forensic analysis of complex market data and information to assist in determining whether manipulation or other improper conduct occurred or is occurring.


  • Develops surveillance tools to review available market data to identify behavior that may violate Commission rules.
  • Conducts continuous surveillance of natural gas and electric power markets.
  • Identifies potential investigative subjects based on surveillance tools.
  • Conducts the technical forensic analysis of market data needed for investigations, particularly those involving potential market manipulation.
  • Determines what information is needed to assess and oversee developing energy markets and the areas where energy markets interact. Periodically reviews information needs to guide changes in information collection.
  • Develops and implements new techniques to enhance electric power and natural gas market surveillance.
  • Establishes and maintains contact with other Federal agencies and RTOs/ISOs that aid in surveillance of the energy markets.
  • Drafts orders, rulemakings, and associated memoranda and advises the Commission on matters pertaining to energy market surveillance and analysis.
  • Advises the Commission on the efficacy of its current regulatory policies in light of evolving energy markets and makes certain the Commission has the information needed to oversee the markets effectively.
  • Provides technical analysis to the Commission and its various Offices.

The Division of Analytics and Surveillance is led by Director Sean Collins and Deputy Director Jamie Marcos.

Administration Staff


The Administration Staff directs the strategic planning, human resources, and administrative operations of the Office of Enforcement (OE).


  • Coordinates OE's strategic management activities, including:
    • Coordinates with OE's Divisions and Office of the Executive Director (OED) on the development of a Commission-wide strategic plan and OE's Government Performance and Results Act compliance.
    • Prepares OE's portion of the Commission's OMB and Congressional budget requests and justifications.
    • Monitors all budget expenditures and prepares reports for management on allocations, year-to-date expenditures, and forecasts (manage-to-budget).
    • Prepares and updates OE's business plan.
  • Coordinates human resources management and development for OE, including:
    • Coordinates OE's Human Capital Plan, including the Hiring (Recruiting) Plan, with OE's Divisions and OED.
    • Implements OE's Recruiting Plan including defining individual positions identified on the Hiring Plan and advertising positions in such a way as to identify excellent candidates.
    • Develops and oversees OE's mentoring program, including new employee orientation and career development for current employees.
    • Provides career development for OE employees through development of a training schedule including both outside and inside programs. Assists OE's Divisions on developing and presenting the inside programs.
    • Coordinates with OE's Divisions on the development of Individual Development Plans for staff.
    • Administers OE's performance appraisal review and award process.
    • Maintains OE's Employee Personnel database.
    • Administers OE's human resources programs such as Student Loan/Tuition Reimbursem*nt, Leave Administration, Alternate Work Schedule, and Flexiplace.
  • Provides administrative support for OE, including:
    • Coordinates with OE's Divisions and OED on the procurement of resources, including subscriptions, publications, information technology, and other services.
    • Administers OE's travel authorization program, including travel, speech, and conference approvals.
    • Coordinates with OE's Divisions and OED on the development and use of information technology in the office, including the Market Monitoring Center.
    • Coordinates office logistics, including space, phones, computers, property inventory, and emergency procedures.

The Administration Staff is led by Karen Duncan, Chief.

Contact Information

  • Janel Burdick

    Director, Office of Enforcement

    Telephone: 202-502-6243

    Fax: 202-502-6449

  • Jeremy Medovoy

    Deputy Director, Office of Enforcement

    Telephone: 202-502-6768

    Fax: 202-502-6449

  • Office of Enforcement (OE)

    Telephone: 202-502-8100

    Fax: 202-502-6449

  • Enforcement Hotline

    Telephone: 202-502-8390

    Toll-free Telephone: 1-888-889-8030

    Fax: 202-208-0057


  • Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

    888 First Street, NE
    Washington, DC 20426
    United States

    Telephone: 202-502-8004

    Toll-free Telephone: 866-208-3372


Office of Enforcement (OE) (2024)


What is the office of enforcement? ›

The Office of Enforcement serves the public interest by protecting consumers through market oversight and surveillance; assuring compliance with tariffs, rules, regulations, and orders; detecting, auditing, and investigating potential violations; and crafting appropriate remedies, including civil penalties and other ...

Who is the director of enforcement in the FERC? ›

Janel Burdick, Director, Office of Enforcement.

Who heads the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission? ›

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Agency overview
HeadquartersWashington, D.C., U.S.
Agency executiveWillie L. Phillips, Chairman
Parent departmentUnited States Department of Energy
4 more rows

What are the FERC enforcement priorities? ›

Fraud and market manipulation. Anticompetitive conduct. Serious violations of the electric reliability standards. Threats to the nation's energy infrastructure and associated impacts on the environment and surrounding communities.

What is the meaning of OEO? ›

Office of Economic Opportunity.

What is the main role of enforcement and compliance? ›

Enforcement and Compliance, within the International Trade Administration of the Department of Commerce, enforces laws and agreements to protect U.S. businesses from unfair competition within the U.S. resulting from unfair pricing by foreign companies and unfair subsidies to foreign companies by their governments.

What agency is FERC under? ›

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is an independent agency within the Department of Energy which regulates the interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas, and oil.

What does FERC have jurisdiction over? ›

The only electric generating projects that require FERC approval are hydropower projects. FERC also approves the construction and operation of interstate natural gas pipelines, storage facilities and liquefied natural gas terminals.

What does FERC oversee? ›

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC, is an independent agency that regulates the interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas, and oil. FERC also reviews proposals to build liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals and interstate natural gas pipelines as well as licensing hydropower projects.

Who are the executives of the FERC? ›

Commission Members and Senior Staff
  • Chairman Willie L. Phillips. ...
  • Commissioner Mark C. Christie. ...
  • Commissioner David Rosner. Bio.
  • Commissioner Lindsay S. See. ...
  • Commissioner Judy W. Chang. ...
  • Ronan Gulstone, Chief of Staff. Bio.
  • Debbie-Anne A. ...
  • Matt Christiansen, General Counsel, Office of the General Counsel.

Who is the secretary of the FERC? ›

Debbie-Anne A. Reese, Acting Secretary, Office of the Secretary | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Who is the new chairman of the FERC? ›

Willie L. PhillipsDecember 3, 2021Present
Mark C. ChristieJanuary 4, 2021Present
Allison ClementsDecember 8, 2020June 30, 2024
James DanlyMarch 30, 2020January 3, 2024
80 more rows

What is the new rule of the FERC? ›

FERC today affirmed its historic July 2023 rule that modernizes the nation's transmission grid by streamlining the generator interconnection process. The rule, known as Order No. 2023, ensures that resources can connect to the transmission system in a reliable, efficient, transparent and timely manner.

How many people work for FERC? ›

FERC currently has 1,566 employees on-board.

What is the difference between NERC and FERC? ›

FERC is a federal agency that regulates the interstate transmission of electricity, natural gas, and oil. FERC oversees NERC in the United States, as do provincial governments in Canada. What type of legal structure does NERC have? NERC is a 501(c)(6) not-for-profit corporation.

What does the division of enforcement do? ›

The Division of Enforcement litigates civil contempt and civil penalty actions to enforce federal court injunctions and administrative orders in FTC consumer protection cases; coordinates FTC actions with criminal law enforcement agencies through its Criminal Liaison Unit; develops, reviews, and enforces a variety of ...

What is the meaning of law enforcement office? ›

(2) Law enforcement agency The term “law enforcement agency” means an agency of the United States, a State, or a political subdivision of a State, authorized by law or by a government agency to engage in or supervise the prevention, detection, investigation, or prosecution of any violation of criminal law.

What is the enforcement authority? ›

Copy. enforcement authority means the authority to enforce any law, ordinance, rule, regulation or resolution duly adopted and noticed by any jurisdiction where the Authority has management authority or where otherwise authorized by law or by agreement, contract, memorandum of understanding, or request for service.

How does EPA enforcement work? ›

An administrative action by EPA or a state agency may be in the form of: a notice of violation or a Superfund notice letter, or. an order (either with or without penalties) directing an individual, a business, or other entity to take action to come into compliance, or to clean up a site.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.