Sun Herald from Biloxi, Mississippi (2024)

of 31, 1957 one Daily Herald, Biloxi and Gulfport, Mississippi Coast Thursday Afternoon, October Youth Court Cracks Down On Driving By Juveniles The Harrison County Youth Wednesday cracked down on reckless driving by juveniles. Judge Luther W. Maples ordered three juveniles who had receivtraffic tickets not to drive again until given court permission and threatened charges of contributing to the delinquency of a minor against the parents should they allow the juveniles to drive without court permission. Five other traffic cases of the same nature were scheduled to be heard in Youth Court today. Hearings were also held in 14 cases of delinquency.

involving 16 children. in four neglect cases involving five children, and in three non-support cases involving 10 children. Youth Counsellor Alvah T. Stewart said the court made the following dispositions: Delinquency cases, one 16-yearwhite boy committed to a old state mental institution for diagnosis and treatment: one white boy. 15.

committed to a private boarding school: three Negro boys previously ordered to pay damages on an automobile they had wrecked were given a time limit in which to complete payments; one white boy, 17. charged with perpetrating a bomb scare in a school building, placed under supervision of a Bay St. Louis child welfare worker for three months: one white boy. 16. to be permitted to stay at home it father can gain release from I Army and otherwise to be committed to Columbia Training School: one white.

boy. 16. placed in the home ot relatives in another county; one white boy 17. placed under court, supervision on a first offense: and deral Reserve Bank of Atlanta He was recently elected a director of Southern Railway. He has also served as a trustee of Emory University, Georgia Tech Research Institute and Columbia Theological Seminary.

In addition Mr. Branch has been active in civic and youth activities. Mr and Mrs. Branch and their tour children live in Atlanta. Mr.

Watson is a native of Biloxi. where he attended the public schools. He graduated from Mississippi State College with a degree in electrical engineering. While an undergraduate he was a member of Tau Beta Pi. honorary engineering society, and Phi Kappa Phi, honorary scholastic society.

He has been associated with Mississippi Power Company since 1930. In 1937 he was made supervisor of transmission. and in 1950 he became operating manager. On Jan. 1955, he was given the position of genreal manager and on March 1.

1956, was elected vice president and general manager, the position he now holds. Mr. Watson is a member of the Gulfport and Biloxi Chambers of Commerce. a member of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. a member of the Mississ'ppi Society of Professional Eng.

neers, and a registered Protessional Engineer. He is at the present time president ot the Gulfport Rotary Club and a member of the vestry and of the men's club of the Church of the Redeemer in Biloxi. and a Mason. Mr. and Mrs.

Watson and their children live i In Biloxi. L. P. Sweatt, company president. In announcing the election of Mr.

Pranch and Mr. Watson said. "We feel very fortunate in having these two gentlemen on our board of directors. Their experience and background will be most helpful tor us Both of these men are very familiar with our area and the operation of our company. There are many problems in connection with the rapid economic development of our service area and the consequent growth and developmient of our company with which they can be of real help to the company.

16-year-old New Orleans white boy. Charge dismissed on a first offense basis: two white girls, 13 and 14 years of age, committed to private boarding schools; one white boy, 17, allowed to enter National Guard active service: the cases of white boys, 15 and of age, and of a Negro girl, 16. were continued under court supervision. Five white children were declared neglected and were placed under court supervision. The fathers of 10 Negro children involved in three non-support cases were ordered to contribute to the support and care of the minors.

Institute Friday At Gulfport VA A one day institute on the theme, Team Unity--a Basis for Ettective Family Diagnosis and Treatment, will be held Friday in the doctors' lecture room at the Gulfport Division VA Center. With the growing emphasis of family diagnosis and treatment as well as the importance of team unity, the institute will be conducted by three specialists in this field. Planned by Social Work Service ot the Gulfport Division, psychologists psychiatrists. and other prolessional statf members of the Gulfport and Biloxi Divisions will be in attendance at the morning and afternoon sessions. Lending professional guidance to the institute will be a professional team from the Family Study Unit of the Department of Psychology, School of Medicine, Tulane University.

consisting of Miss Edith Schulhofer, Dr. Wilma Wilson. chief psychologist. and Dr. Vann E.

Spruiell, psychiatrist. In addition to the professional staff from the Gulfport and Biloxi Divisions, social workers from the Pensacola and Jackson Mental Hygiene Clinics, as well as social workers from the VA Regional Oflices at Montgomery and VA Center in Jackson are expected to be present. NEGROES ON BROADWAY NEW YORK (AP) The new musical comedy "Jamaica' is providing the first employment for Negro stagehands on Broadway. Producer David Merrick requested that at least five be hired for the show starring Lena Horne and Ricardo Montalban. The stagehands union adopted Must Halt Deaths MRS.

JOSEPHINE CRUTHIRDS Mrs. Josephine Cruthirds, 80. died at 3 a.m. today at the home of her son, George A. Cruthirds, Route 1, Thibodeaux.

where she had made her home for the past year. She had been in failing health several months. Survivors are two daughters, Mrs. Heisler Wiggins; and Mrs. L.

McDaniels, "Biloxi: and one son. George A. Cruthirds, Thibodeaux. The body is being moved to Dee's Funeral Home in Wiggins at noon today where It will lie In state until funeral time. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m.

Friday at Wiggins First Baptist Church. The Rev. N. J. Lee officiate assisted by the Rev.

Dr. U. K. Perego. Pallbearers will be her nephews.

Burial will be in the Price family cemetery, four miles west of Wiggins. S. J. LOGAN Samuel James Logan. 55.

Biloxi businessman, who lived Ocean Springs, died suddenly at 8 p.m. Tuesday in Broyles Hospital, Leesville. La. Mr. Logan owns and operates Tony's Spaghetti House, Biloxi, and formerly operated military stores in Biloxi.

He also owned and operated a military store and five restaurants in Leesville. Mr. Logan attended the University California and the University of Missouri where he was a member of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. He was a member of Fort Smith, Elks Club and the Biloxi Yacht Club. Mr.

Logan is survived by his wife. Elizabeth Ocean Springs: two daughters. Mrs. E. C.

Hussey, Leesville, and Mrs. Max Hand, Ulysses, and six grandchildren. Private funeral services will be held at the Hixson Funeral Home; Leesville, Friday for members of the immediate family. The body will be brought to Biloxi tor burial Saturday. B.

W. MARTIN Bruner W. Martin. 54. 57 Vancleave Avenue, Ocean Springs, native of Vancleave, and residents of Ocean Springs 35 vears, died at Jackson County Hospital at 4:24 a.m.

today. He is survived by his wite. Francis Woodman Martin: a son. Bruner W. Ocean Springs: two daughters.

Ralph Williams. Norfolk. and Mrs. Virs. Fazzio.

San Diego. three grandchildren: and four brothers. Oscar. Pascagoula: We son: Houston. New Orleans.

and James. Handsboro. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Friday from Bradford Funeral Home. Services will be by Rev.

Harold Hetrick of the St. Paul Methodist Church. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery, Ocean Springs. EUGENE MARTIN The time of the Eugene L. Martin.

82. funeral service has been set for Friday at 10:30 a.m. at Dees Funeral Home Chapel in Wiggins. Burial will be in Wiggins Woodlawn Park Cemetery. Mr.

Martin died Wednesday. MRS. OZA A. SIMO Mrs. Oza A.

Simo. a former Bi- VINSON FRYOU RITES loxian. wite of Willian A. Simo. 0: New Orleans.

died Wednesday at 4:55 p.m. She is survi 1 bv her husband. two sons. Edward Covacevich of Biloxi who is attending L.S.U. in Baton Rouge and Judas Simo: three daughters, Mrs.

Hilda Hoover. Mrs. Ann Hart and Mrs. Patricia Henk: three sisters, a brother and nine grandchildren. The funeral will be held from the Laudumiey Funeral Home in New Orleans, with interment in St.

Vincent de Paul cemetery No. 3 MRS. MARY TREMMEL Mrs. Mary Stockton Tremmel. 69-year-old wife of the late Jacob Tremmel, died at her residence.

204 Fayard Biloxi. Wednesday at 8:45 p.m. Mrs. Tremmel was a native ot New Orleans and had resided in Biloxi for the past 60 vears. She was a member of the Nativity Catholic Church.

the Catholic Women's and the Altar Society. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs: Thelma Leckich. Biloxi: a son, J. T. Tremmel, also of Biloxi: and seven grandchildren.

The funeral will be held Friday at 2 p.m. from the O'Keete Funeral Home, followed by services at the Nativity Catholic Church conducted by Msgr. Geoffrey T. Connell, pastor. Interment will be in the Biloxi Cemetery.

A rosary service will be held at 7 oclock tonight at the 0'- Keefe Funeral Home. GERALD E. SONGY Gerald E. Songy. 32, brother of Mrs.

Lee Morris Biloxi. died suddenly at 2:30 a.m. today at his home in Baton Rouge. Mr. Songy is survived by his wife, four children and other relatives.

He was employed by Boyce Harve Baton Rouge, and was a native of Wallace. La. The funeral will be in Baton Rouge Friday and Mr. and Mrs. Morris left today to attend the services.

MRS. J. M. DEEN RITES Funeral services for Mrs. Ruby Tullis Deen, 49.

were held this morning at Riemann's Funeral Home Chapel in Gulfport with the Rev. P. S. Dodge, pastor of Turkey Creek Baptist Chapel. officiating.

Pallbearers were J. H. Stone, R. C. Foster.

Bert Galbraith. Bernard Gaidrosich. Duard Conner and Clinton Herring. Interment was in A. J.

WATSON JR. HARLLEE BRANCH JR. Two Directors Named To Power Company Board Harllee Branch president the Southern Company, and A. Watson vice president general manager of Mississippi wer Company. were elected tors of Mississippi Power Company at a board of directors meeting Gulfport Wednesday afternoon.

Branch was also vice dent of the company succeeding late A. Yates. Mr. Branch is a native of Atlanta. and received his early education Alin the schools of that city He a graduate of Davidson College North Carolina and 1 received law degree from Emory sity.

For many yeas he was associatea with the law tirm which as counsel for the Georgia er Company. In 1949. he became vice president and general manager of Georgia Power Company and in 1951 was made president the company. He has been president of the Southern Company since Jan. 1.

1957. Mr. Branch is a director of Southern Company and Southern Services. Inc. He is also past dent of the Edison tric Institute and the Southeastern Electric change.

For the past several he has been a director of the Vinson Leonard Fryou, tive. month-old son of A-2C and Mrs v. L. Fryou, who died in Germany Oct. 19.

was held Wednesday afternoon from Riemann's Funeral Home in Gulfport with graveside service In Evergreen Cemetery. conducted by the Rev. John Green. First Baptist Church. Long Beach.

and the Rev. J. Brister. In addition to his parents. the child is survived by one sister.

Linnie Fryou: the maternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. 0. M.

Olsson. San Francisco. and the paternal gradparents. Mr. and Mrs H.

L. Panse. Gulfport. MRS. ELLEN DANIELS Mrs.

Ellen Daniels. 336 Davis Pass Christian. died at 2:15 a.m. Wednesday at Memorial Hospital in Gulfport. She is survived by her husband.

Benjamine Daniels: one son, Junious Daniels. a daughter, Mrs. Ellen Avery, all of Pass Christian: sisters. Mrs. Irma Flowers, Chicago, and Mrs.

Alice Franklin. Pass Christian: 11 grandchildren and great grandchildren. The body will be taken from the Hall's Funeral Home in Gulfoort to the Goodwill Baptist Church in Pass Christian at 12 noon Friday where funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. with Rev. W.

T. Guice. pastor, officiating. Interment will the Live Oak Cemetery. In Memoriam In Loving Memory of our Beloved Husband and Father William Sensenes.

died Oct. 31. 1950. Treasured thoughts of one so dear Often bring a silent tear Thoughts return 10 scenes now past Time rolls Oil. but memories last.

Sadly missed by vour Wife and Family advb31- CLEARANCE Used Guaranteed Johnson Motors Magic Chef Ranges Automatic Washers Electric Refrigerators COAST HARDWARE Avenue a Gulfport Free Delivery Dial UN 3-8381 SEE THE NEW 1958 DODGE and PLYMOUTH AT OPEN TIL LATIL'S 9 NIGHTLY 325 CAILLAVET BILOXI ID 2-8616 tion adequately and thereby increase the productivity of our people. While all this calls for sacrifice, it also provides the greatest opportunities for creative minds and dedicated souls to serve their fellow man." Rep. J. Phillips of Hanco*ck County, a member of the Mississippi Legislature, was to make the forestry award presentation to Mr. Weston in another highlight of the afternoon's festivities.

Mr. Weston, born in New Orleans was reared in Logtown, Miss. He attended prep school Rugby Academy, In New Orleans and studied civil engineering at Tulane University. Mr. Weston whose family owned lands in the state of Washington, entered the forestry school of the University of Washington in 1921.

one of the three ranking forestry schools of the nation. He returned to Mississippi to become associated with the H. Weston Lumber acting as its forester. The first Mississippian to graduate in forestry. Mr.

Weston is the recipient of several forestry awards. He holds membership in Society of American Foresters, the Mississippi Forestry Association, the American Forestry Association. He is secretary-treasurer of the H. Weston Lumber one of the oldest land owners in the state. Introduction of the State forestry queen and district queens was scheduled on the program which also included the award to be made to the outstanding teacher.

The day began with Show-MeTrips under the supervision of J. Scott Moore, Dantzler Lumber made to the Harrison Experimental Forest, field headquarters of the Southern Institute of Forest Genetics. The Wood Products and Discase Laboratory, the Forest Insect Inboratory and the Forest Products Laboratory maintain field installation at the experimental forest also. A barbecue ham luncheon was served at noon, followed by a program by the Perkinston Junior College band. High School day will be held Friday with the Show-Me-Trip to begin at 9 a.m..

lunch at 12 and entertainment during the afternoon. Richard C. Allen, forester. DeWeese Lumber Co. will be the speaker of the day.

(Continued From Page One) a non-discrimination policy when AFL and CIO units were merged several years ago, but Negr: groups have worked only on nonBroadway productions. Biloxi Seeks Injunction Against Property Owner The City of Biloxi filed a bill of complaint returnable to the November term of Harrison County Chancery Court today seeking an injunction to prevent a property owner from allegedly blocking all city drainage ditch. Adrian Weill. Biloxi resident. was named as defendant to the action.

Weill was identified as the owner of Bille lots 111 block 3 of the Benachi Addition across the southeI'l part of which a public drainage ditch has allegedly existed many years. according to the bill The bill states the City of Biloxi acquired right to Use of the ditch and has allegedly used it continuousiv 111 excess of 10 years" until the "last year or two" when Weill commenced to clear off and fill the rear portion of the property and allegedly had a bulldozer push "trees, logs. brush. underbrush and debris' into the drainage ditch in "complete disregard of the rights of the City of The city charges the alleged obstructions have caused flooding during heavy rains and that it would be "impossible" for the city to maintain drainage 111- Crutches and Canes Surgical Appliances Surgical Beds Wheel Chairs Walkerettes Sick Room Accessories A COMPLETE DRUG SERVICE Triplett-Day Drug Company 14th at 25th Gulfport Dial UN 3-2363 24-Hour Prescription Service The Perfect Gift Christmas Emerson 888 World's First 8-Transistor Tubeless Pocket Radio! Back to school is 1000 times more fun with the great new Emerson 888! Take it with you everywhere -use it anywhere, indoors or out. Amazing triple filtering brings you clarity, tone and power never before possible in pocket radio.

"Hear all the rich tone of big sets fin this tiny radiol COMPARE. Performs Where Others Fall $48 COMPLETE Self-powared, ready to play Bill Streiff Radio and TV Bill Streiff, Owner Dial UN 3-2692, 915 Pass Road, Handsboro Gryders. and GULFPORT THE SHOE WITH THE BEAUTIFUL FIT Tyrol Jaunty heel-hugging, toe-free fit looks good from any angle HERE'S THAT BEAUTIFUL NATURALIZER textured calf The pumps you've been looking for soft, light and attractively tailored. See Naturalizer's new textured calf pumps complete flexibility in your size today. toes Black Chinchilla Calf $11.95 to $12.95 or Brown Chinchilla Ca United United Support Support Fund Fund Gryders "Personalized Service" currence of expense and unnecessary work and labor' estimated to cost at least $250.

Charging that all communications "written and otherwise" have been "ignored and refused" by Weill. the city asks a judgment of $250 for alleged expenses involved and a punitive judgment of $1.000. The suit seeks a court order commanding Weill to remove the alleged obstructions and restraining the defendant from alleged further obstructions of the drainage ditch. FOOD MARKET 404 East North Street Dial GL 2-4224 FREE PASS CHRISTIAN FREE DELIVERY DELIVERY PRICES GOOD FRIDAY SATURDAY FRYERS Whole Lb 21 Chuck Roast Fryers Cut Up Lb. 39c PINE BURR HAMS Whole Lb 59c Lb.

BEEF GROUND TENDER CRISPRITE SLICED PINE BURR ROLL Meat Rib Chops Bacon Sausage 3 Lbs. 98c Lb. 43c Lb. 49 I.h. 49c GOOD FRESH FRESH LEAN TRIMMED Bologna lb.

29c Pork Roast lb. 49c GRADE LARGE FRESH YARD EGGS 3 Doz $1.79 MAINE PET OR SILVER COW TRELLIS DEL MONTE TOMATO Sardines Milk Peas Sauce 3 Cans 25c 3 TALL CANS 40c 2 303 CANS 25c 3 Cans 25c SUGAR Factory Packed With Order 5 Lbs. BREAST- -O-CHICKEN JEWEL COOKING WLTH ORDER HORMEL SUNSHINE KRISPY Tuna Oil Pure Lard Crackers SOLID PACK 35c Gal. $1.73 2 Lbs. 29c BOX 1-1b.



Sun Herald from Biloxi, Mississippi (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

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